Activity #13 (Juan Miguel Mallare) Feb. 7,2012
If someone says love, what will you think of? I know you will think of relationships, dating, etc. But in my point of view, love doesn't necessary mean those things. It is like a bond that makes a person do anything for someone he/she loves. Also, if you love someone, you will let he/she be happy in whatever she chooses to do. People these days don't realize the true meaning of love because they only think of themselves and not their loved one. If that is the case, then it is not true love they are doing. They are doing a false love. In false love, people tend to be insensitive and not care for their loved one. I know most of the people reading this have a girlfriend/boyfriend already. I'm going to ask these questions: Is being jealous all the time at your partner really is true love? Is being bitter about break-ups really meant true love? Think about it, and maybe this will change your meaning of love.