We heard about SOPA and PIPA before in the news. We all reacted negatively to this proposition. But here, I'll make things clearer to you in what SOPA and PIPA is all about. But what does SOPA and PIPA stands for? SOPA stands for STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT and PIPA for PROTECT I.P. ACT. In the past few years, the internet has been used by pirates to steal USA's innovative and creative products resulting to the endangerment of over 19 million American jobs. So Rep. Lamar Smith introduced the SOPA to the congress. It stipulates the removal of some websites such as Facebook, Twitter, EBay, etc..I believe that piracy is bad for the US government, but i believe that SOPA and PIPA aren't the right way to deal with it. SOPA and PIPA are also job killers because it will cut off the innovations and job creations in the Web. It will also endanger businesses because those social networking sites were used as advertisement for their products. The congress should consider some alternatives such as the OPEN act that do not censor the Web.

We heard about SOPA and PIPA before in the news. We all reacted negatively to this proposition. But here, I'll make things clearer to you in what SOPA and PIPA is all about. But what does SOPA and PIPA stands for? SOPA stands for STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT and PIPA for PROTECT I.P. ACT. In the past few years, the internet has been used by pirates to steal USA's innovative and creative products resulting to the endangerment of over 19 million American jobsSo Rep. Lamar Smith introduced the SOPA to the congress. It stipulates the removal of some websites such as Facebook, Twitter, EBay, etc..I believe that piracy is bad for the US government, but i believe that SOPA and PIPA aren't the right way to deal with it. SOPA and PIPA are also job killers because it will cut off the innovations and job creations in the Web. It will also endanger businesses because those social networking sites were used as advertisement for their products. The congress should consider some alternatives such as the OPEN act that do not censor the Web.